Consultant for development of action plan mine for mine victim assistance in BiH 2019-2025

Project “Integrated socio-economic support to landmine victim in BiH” (Contract number: 2017/387-336) is funded by the European Union and implemented by World Vision in partnership with Organization of amputees UDAS. Within the project, World Vision, is looking for committed and qualified candidates to be engaged as Consultant for development of action plan mine for mine victim assistance in BiH 2019-2025 – 1 position.


World Vision is seeking a consultant to assist the project World Vision/UDAS team, BHMAC and the Coordination body in the elaboration of a mine victim assistance policy document (Action plan for mine victim assistance in BiH 2019-2025, hereinafter Action plan)


World Vision, in partnership with Organization of amputees “UDAS” Republika Srpska and support from BHMAC and partner municipalities, is implementing two year project “Integrated socio-economic support to landmine victims in BiH”. The specific objective is empowerment and social-economic integration of landmine victims and their families in 11 mine-affected municipalities in BiH. One project activity is to provide comments and recommendations for review/improvement of Mine Victim Assistance sub-strategy.
The Mine Action Strategy 2018-2025, which was adopted by the BiH Council of Ministers on 30 January 2019, and the entity strategies for persons with disabilities (i.e. Strategy for advancement of rights and status of persons with disabilities in the Federation of BiH 2016-2021 dated 23.12.2016, and Strategy for advancement social position of persons with disabilities in Republika Srpska 2017-2026 dated 27.04.2017.) stipulate, with other relevant documents, the policy framework for the assistance to landmine survivors and victims in BiH. A coordination mechanism for the assistance of mine, cluster munitions and explosive remnants of the war’s victims in BiH (hereinafter Coordination body) was established on 23 May 2018 and is designated to ensure policy coordination for issues concerning land mine, cluster munitions and ERWs survivors and victims.
The EU project implementing partners World Vision BiH and Organization of amputees “UDAS”, with BHMAC and the Coordination Body aim to assist the authorities in the development of a mine victim assistance policy document (i.e. Action plan for mine victim assistance in BiH 2019-2025).

The consultant is requested to:

  1. Review the policy documents in place (Sub-strategy for VA 2009-2019, entity strategies for PWDs)
  2. Develop the structure of Action plan
  3. Prepare draft Action plan
  4. Prepare Terms of reference for the workshop with key victim assistance stakeholders
  5. Facilitate the workshop with key victim assistance stakeholders to present draft Action plan with support of the project team and to get inputs for the review of the draft
  6. Conduct additional bilateral interviews of relevant stakeholders who do not participate at the workshop (max 8 persons/institutions)
  7. Integrate inputs provided by key victim assistance stakeholders into the final Action plan
  8. Prepare final report

Project team will:

  1. Provide guidance and technical support as required
  2. Ensure logistical coordination with involved parties during the process
  3. Provide relevant technical information required to facilitate the process
  4. Cover the costs of the workshop and provide all the logistical support regarding the organization of the workshop

Result: Draft Action plan for Victim Assistance in BiH 2019-2025.

  1. Developed structure of the policy document by 5 July 2019
  2. Draft Action Plan (after the review if the policy document in place) by 10 July 2019
  3. Terms of reference for the workshop with VA stakeholders developed by 10 July 2019
  4. Workshop organized and held by 15 July 2019
  5. Max 8 persons interviewed (those who do not attend the workshop) by 17 July 2019
  6. Action plan & final report by 25 July 2019


  1. Good knowledge and experience in domain of victim assistance and rights of persons with disabilities
  2. Experience in policy and strategy formulation social sectors and rights of persons with disabilities.
  3. Basic knowledge of the mine action sector in BiH or in the Western Balkan region
  4. Capacity to work within the tight deadline
  5. Excellent communication and organizational skills
  6. Excellent drafting skills in local language and English

Period: 1 July to 25 July 2019

Projected engagement of the consultant is 10 days in total. Payment will be done after the product is delivered and approved.

All candidates interested for the above engagement, should submit:

  1. An expression of interest for the consultancy
  2. CV with relevant qualifications and experience specified
  3. The consultancy fee in total including all applicable taxes;
  4. Other expenses as travel, accommodation, meals etc., if applicable
  5. Tax Registration number (if applicable)
  6. Reference contacts as proof of their previous engagement in same or similar posts

Document should be submitted through e-mail address:
Deadline for submitting documents is Thursday, 27 June 2019. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for further steps in selection process.

If you any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Our office phone number is 033 660 426



