Cluster Munition Monitor 2024

The 100-page Cluster Munition Monitor 2024 report provides a comprehensive overview of implementation and adherence to the 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions. A total of 112 states—including South Sudan, the last country to accede to the convention in August 2023—are party to the Convention on Cluster Munitions, which comprehensively prohibits cluster munitions and requires destruction of stockpiles and clearance of areas contaminated by cluster munition remnants, as well as the provision of risk education and assistance to victims.

New use, production, and transfers of cluster munitions by countries that have not banned these weapons threaten to undermine the norm established by the international treaty prohibiting cluster munitions, said the Cluster Munition Coalition today upon releasing its Cluster Munition Monitor 2024 report.

“Actions by countries that have not banned cluster munitions are putting civilians at risk and threatening the integrity and universality of the international treaty prohibiting these abhorrent weapons,” said Tamar Gabelnick, Director of the Cluster Munition Coalition.

“It is imperative that all countries join the Convention on Cluster Munitions and help fulfil its goal of putting an end to suffering and casualties caused by cluster munitions.”

The report notes a decrease in the area cleared of cluster munition remnants in 2023 compared to the previous year, highlighting the need for sustained funding and support to ensure that contaminated States Parties can meet their clearance obligations.

In August 2023, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) became the ninth State Party to complete clearance of cluster munition contaminated areas, in accordance with the obligations set by the Convention on Cluster Munitions.

Cluster Munition Monitor 2024 is the 15th annual monitoring report by the Cluster Munition Coalition, the civil society coalition working in over 100 countries for a world without cluster munitions.

The Cluster Munition Monitor 2024 report will be presented to the 12th Meeting of States Parties to the Convention on Cluster Munitions at the United Nations in Geneva on 10-13 September 2024.

Report available here






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